People want to travel but don’t

I have clients and people I have spoken to who would ‘love to travel too’ but don’t do it.

They are often looking too deeply in the minute details, assume it will be costly, time of work and other obstacles.

There will always be obstacles in life, for things we want, to do, to be. But as a life coach I help people do those things step by manageable step. My own travels took years but I did it – because I really wanted it, I yearned for it often, reminded of places others had seen and been, others adventures in life, on TV or books.

As a coach, this was partly why I did mine – not the ‘year long holiday’ some referred too enviously but my own personal development, well-deserved and yearned for dream of a lifetime – and had the trip of a lifetime!

Sometimes I can just be a holiday to new places, make a list of those countries to explore, sights to see and people to meet.

It might be a money problem. You save for those holidays, its much the same. ‘Travel’ doesn’t need to be for a year!

But it isn’t a holiday either where everything is planned out, limitations on where you can go from your hotel, or where to eat in or out of the hotel. It’s a different mindset approach – exploration, adaptation, discovering strengths and tendencies, meeting needs you may not even know you have, finding your tribe and so much more – those things you cannot even name but find you!

A holiday is almost ‘safe’ – travel is adventure. Travel is whatever you make it.

Time off work – like I say, it can be saved up holidays, a sabbatical, a gap year or 3 months, it can be a two week travel adventure you plan slightly or book as you go, turning here and there as whims take you or other travelers advise you.

It’s being prepared to ‘put up with things’ that may be less than ideal and 5* luxury as you don’t always know what you will find when you explore the world! Booking ahead is fine – if it is what it says it is and I found out that it sometimes isn’t! It might be smaller, rougher, colder, hotter than you expected – but you survive, even thrive, discover something about you, them, the place!

You can make it happen. Synchronise your mind with the universe and invoke the Law of Attraction to make it happen!

Coaching is about setting clear goals – to travel.

Coaching is about action plan steps, one by one, project managing what needs to happen first and next. One way around the world, one part of the world each holiday period, certain sights or activities you want to try.

Coaching is about motivation and drive – why you want it?

What will it feel like, show you, prove to you (not to other people, this is always for you!)

What will you get from it? How will you know you have ‘travelled’?

Those are questions to answer to motivate action, engage the universe in your plans (you do this all the time without realising it – now do it consciously, purposefully!)

Give it a try. Give yourself a treat. Give yourself the reward you deserve for doing what you’ve done in life, for just being you! You are worth it.

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